Saturday 3 March 2012

non linear to linear writing 3.1.12

3 / 1/ 2012 non linear to linear writing
This is our first BEL 260 class in the year 2012. We had learned about non linear and linear. Non linear such as diagram, table, charts and graphs, so we have to interpret it and present the information in our words in writing an essay. Then Miss Zu give us a task so that we can practise on it.
Tips how to do the task
*      Spend 5 minutes reading the non linera diagram given to you.
*      Make sure you understand axes.
*      Make sure you follow lines on graph.
*      Focus on the key information.
*      If two graphs – compare.
*      Think about the time period – tenses.
*      Vary your vocabulary.
*      Organize information clearly.
*      Write neatly.

There are some formula on writing the essay.
1) OverView + ControlingIdea
2-3) KeyFeatures
4) Prediction(i) + Proposal(ii)

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